Terms and Conditions
1. General
1.1 By commissioning research and by signing the agreement the client agrees to these terms and conditions.
1.2 Research will begin when parameters have been set, a date for commencement agreed, and payment has cleared.
2. Research
2.1 All time taken to research old records, analyse them, and write reports must be paid for, even if the results are not as hoped. Sometimes records are lost, destroyed or, from the information they provide, cannot be definitive. This can be disappointing. However, it is potentially useful in eliminating erroneous lines of enquiry.
2.2 In the unlikely event of there being a delay in completion of research, if a record office is closed for instance, or because of illness, the client will be informed.
2.3 Genealogy and historical research involves examining original historic documents, transcripts or images. These sources may be unclear, misleading, or even incorrect. Helena Sanderson: Adventures in History accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience that may arise from any information extracted from sources, any errors in transcripts from these sources, or conclusions derived from them.
2.4 The client is responsible for informing Helena Sanderson: Adventures in History about research already conducted, otherwise research may be duplicated. If research is duplicated because the client has not revealed previous investigations, the research, analysis, and report writing will still be charged for.
3. Pricing
3.1 An hourly rate for research, analysis of information, and report writing is charged.
3.2 A budget and a set number of hours will be agreed in advance. These will not be exceeded without permission from the client.
3.3 Copies of documents and travel costs are charged as per fee structure and will also be agreed in advance.
3.4 For research under £240 GBP payment must be made in advance.
3.5 For research over £240 GBP, the deposit is at least half the amount, with a minimum of £180 GBP.
3.6 Reports will not be sent until the balance in full has been paid.
3.7 Payment can be made by bank transfer and details will be on the agreement signed, and on the invoice if not paying in full in advance.
3.8 Invoice terms are 7 days.
4. Confidentiality and copyright
4.1 All work is conducted confidentially, and details of any work carried out will not be disclosed or passed on without the client’s agreement.
4.2 Helena Sanderson is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a Data Protection Controller (Registration Number: ZA762426). Client details are kept for payment purposes, communication with the client, and for the conducting of research.
4.3 Information is held on a computer secured by a password, and in a locked filing cabinet.
4.4 Client details will be destroyed on request or after five years.
4.5 All reports are copyright of Helena Sanderson: Adventures in History and must not be passed on or published without permission.
5. Cancellation
5.1 If a client cancels once research has commenced, the time already spent on research will be calculated and an amount deducted prior to a refund being issued.
5.2 Helena Sanderson: Adventures in History reserves the right to cancel research for a client at any time. A refund, less expenses and time spent on research, analysis and report writing, will be issued.